This is going to be your place where you can find any information you may need as a coach!

  • Safesport & Background Check Information:

    *This is REQUIRED by the league but it stems from the SOFTBALL NATIONAL OFFICE that all coaches on the field have to be SAFESPORT certified. In previous years you needed ACE but that is not a requirement for this year. You will have to have it on the field with you at all times (this can be the certificate itself, or screenshots on your phone). At anytime during league or tournaments an official (board member, tournament director, or umpire) can ask to see it, if you do not have proof of it, you CANNOT be on the field. You CANNOT BE ON THE FIELD unless you have this completed. Starting THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON, we will be asking ALL COACHES at random times to show their proof. Again, this is a NATIONAL and FEDERAL LAW that requires any adult working with children to be SAFESPORT certified.

    *HOW TO GET SAFESPORT CERTIFIED: Click HERE to read information on SAFESPORT and how to get certified. Then click HERE to get to the website where you can create a new account or if you have already completed it in previous years, then log in. If you have any questions please email or facebook message us!

    * Along with SAFESPORT, you will need to get an approved background check. You can do this online by going to RegisterUSASoftball.com, create an account (or login), then purchase a background check ONLY. Once you have completed and gotten it approved, please PRINT OFF A COPY and make sure this is ALSO ON YOU AT ALL TIMES!

    *Coed ONLY: Head Coach and any other “assistant” coaches should be safesport (if they are consistently on the field, if it’s a parent helping for a fill in, talk to a board member on whether they should be Safesport certified)

    *PLAYERS WHO ARE OR WILL BE TURNING 18: You have to be SAFESPORT certified as well. We will be checking these as well on your game night. Please upload it to google classroom as well with your name and team you play for. IF YOU DO NOT have this done, you will NOT play on game night.

    *If you have any questions or not sure what to do, please email us: sfyouthslowpitchsoftball@gmail.com

    *Thank you all! Again, remember that this is all for the KIDS! The YSSA board has to do this as well and we appreciate everybody who has been patient and we thank everyone who volunteers their time for the kids!


  • if you do not have your Safesport completed you will NOT be allowed to coach or be on the field until that is turned in (also make sure this is something you always carry with you on the fields, at tournaments they are allowed to ask to see proof at any time!)

  • There will be NO rulebooks given out this year, they are going to be available for download or accessible online

    • Here is the link for the 2024 Rulebook —> Click HERE